Believe it or Not I have always been a wrestling fan!!! Yes... Me Remel London.
I remember the NWO days on TNT late at night, after Cartoon Network switched off, ( on Cable - THE BLACK BOX DAYS).
I remember watching WWF on Saturday mornings on Sky 1, The Rock, Stone Cold steve austin, The Under Taker, Kane, The Big Show, Scottie Too Hottie, Rickishi, China ohhh my gosh those were the days!!! Until one day I think a STUPID BOY at school decided to tell me Wrestling was FAKE and I was crushed!!! Since then I haven't looked back!
I'm sure its been 10 years since I last watched it and enjoyed it! Until Now!
On Sunday 3rd April for some reason the twitter hype brought me back to my love for wrestling as eveeryone watched the live stream of WrestleMania27... wow 27 years of this madness! lol
And I was excited to hear that my homie ACE with his radio double Vis was live in the arena. I couldnt wait to hear about their travels and here it is with some of our wrestling favourites!!!
Hopefully that'll be me one day!