This evening I was entertained by the likes of Felix Dexter, Robbie Gee, Eddie Nestor, Judith Jacob & Leo Muhammad, Mr Frazier and special guest Richard Blackwood at the Real McCoy comedy Xplosion at Catford Broadway.
As mentioned, the evening was full of laughs and crazy scenes even before we got to the venue lol
By some mystery I seemed to think the show was taking place at Hackney Empire... I couldn't have been more wrong! It was in fact on the other side of London in Catford, Lewisham lol
But when we arrived to our delight we were able to enjoy such sketches of that performed by Felix Dexter, who had me in stitches as he awkwardly asked members of the audience about their partners and their sex lives and also
We was also entertained by who I believe is the most memorable face of The Real McCoy, Mr Frazier. ( Mostly because he used to scare me as a child lol)
He showed us his special martial arts skills in his very own what seemed to be hilariously painful way!
I gave this event a 3 out of 5 simply because it felt slowed down by a lot of technical stuff... which is what made the show a hit on BBC as a drama all those years ago.
I wish we could get a show like that back but I guess that is what these XPLOSION shows are for... a nice little flashback to the past. It's nice to look back but not always good to try and bring stuff back.
Look out for more reviews from me on my blog and video bogs on REMEL LONDON youtube channel.
Make sure you also check out BANG 103.6FM on Saturday mornings for the breakfast banquette.